About Me

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I am practically no one, am not anyone whose existence or non existence would affect the course of our society, culture, life, policies, conduct, etc. Still I do have my opinions on all of these issues. In crisp and to be precise...I am just a commoner!! Read on... if you are interested

Monday, March 11, 2019

Time is life

Times do change; the transformation hits us the hardest when we stumble upon our once cherished long forgetten hobbies. Like i have today ....when i out of nowhere decided to take a peek on this blog! That was an era when time was something this commoner had in abubdance....not anymore! Out of the scarce resources that we enlist on this planet earth time is the most precious one. It do remind us of the good moments, the rough tides, the nostalgic world, the blurred dreams, the parting aways, the laughter of friendship, the adventures, everything. And it in a way also culminates into what we call our life!

Thats why the cliche saying persists still- enjoy every moment to the fullest!!!!