About Me

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I am practically no one, am not anyone whose existence or non existence would affect the course of our society, culture, life, policies, conduct, etc. Still I do have my opinions on all of these issues. In crisp and to be precise...I am just a commoner!! Read on... if you are interested

Thursday, April 29, 2010

WiTh LoVe FrOm MISHTI.........

Long back I was asked to write as a guest for this blog, but due to my lethargic nature I never made any efforts to pen down anything, or it should be type down anything. Sorry for the bad PJ, but you will have to bear a few of these throughout this post.

Oops….. I forgot to introduce myself. I am being referred to as MISHTI in earlier posts. I have been following this blog for long, but then I don’t know what happened to the writer that he stopped blogging. May be one of the major reasons is that I came to Delhi, that turned his idle time into a hectic schedule of picking and taking me to places I wanted to visit and then again dropping me back to my place. This indulged a lot of time and money obviously for him not for me.

Now that I am asked to type down something for the blog, I would like to discuss how we faced two completely different emotions when I came to Delhi.

We shared a long distance relationship for past 2 and half years and unlike others we had the most beautiful relationship. We used to talk about every little thing when we are miles apart. But then came 15th June, 2009, I came to Delhi, took admission in the same college and became his junior. As you all must be thinking now that we would have had the best times ever studying in the same college, it was all so different. A couple, who was admired by friends for their understanding relationship earlier, was found fighting over small issues.

Reasons for the same were that, earlier we used to live in our very own ways and since we were miles apart we used to share everything on phone but when we came near I used to think that everything is in front of his eyes and so why do I need to repeat everything whereas he missed his earlier Mishti. I used to take up fights with him and he used to try his hard to stop those fights. Second thing was that I am person who loves being in groups and he wanted me to spent some good time with him, which again was a problem with me, another reason to take up a fight. There were times when both of us were so irritated with all these that sometimes I used to think whether it will be possible for us to stay together or not, for our whole life. I remember, the person I always felt was the most compatible person for me, I called him incompatible.

But then we discussed all this, we found out what was wrong with us. I guess he no more misses his old Mishti as now I am with him for ever. I realized this thing when his dad asked him to come back to Kolkata for job. At that time I felt so alone, I felt I am loosing something very close and loosing my “PICK AND DROP SERVICE”. Sorry for one more PJ naanush… [: P]

So for all those who are in love, do keep in mind that talking things out is something which is really important for a relationship to survive. For those who are in relationship just for the sake of flirting never sit and discuss things because then you might end up in staying with a person you were just flirting with….fir ye mat bolna k kahan aake phass gaya…sorry for the PJ. [: P]

Now let’s ask this Commoner to get back and start blogging, because these days he is having a very tough time and a person going through all this can write the best…there goes mera ek aur PJ…..sachi PJ mare iss blog mein to maine….lollzzz…




  1. Tinky Loved ur post.. Tutl is really lucky to get you.. :) God bless u guys.. Keep smiling and stay ahppy always..

  2. The day I land up a job, I will be back as a blogger with a bang...... :)
