About Me

- just a commoner
- I am practically no one, am not anyone whose existence or non existence would affect the course of our society, culture, life, policies, conduct, etc. Still I do have my opinions on all of these issues. In crisp and to be precise...I am just a commoner!! Read on... if you are interested
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The motive behind this introspection is.....my pathetic result in my 3rd sem exam....well, jus managed 3.1 out of 4.33...pretty decent by some colleges' standards but pretty poor,infact poor is an under statement according to my college(where a toper gets 4.33)!!! So like the NDA m also into the "what went wrong" mode...where did I lose the plot? I guess it was in mid-term when our private residence was turned into a public one courtesy : my once upon a time class mate n her mom n her frnd n not to forget her frnd's boyfrnd n the events that followed surrounding them(those events can surely make a very good post themselves)! I dint fared well in mid terms n I guess thats where I lost it....my boat had been hit hard by the decieving iceberg and with the aid of some poor presentations, sloppy unproffesional project reports, my "evergreen"CooL(You can spell it FooL) approach, laziness towards study.....the last nail in my coffin was hit....I tried hard in the end-terms but Alas..dint click! Newaz...enough of the blame-game.
I know I m better than this..I know I m better than many who surpassed me this time..but these are useless words....so its better to SHUT UP...thats what I guess I am good at.....even in b.tech wen guys wer running away with job offers.....I was there with my mouth, ear, everything shut up.....and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not this time.........I cant afford to repeat the same....not at any cost...I know the consequences--- NO JOB == NO MONEY == DARK FUTURE == NO Mishti == NO LIFE....
This post is not just an introspection but its a reminder of the past n determination for the future...the future that every commoner hopes to build....n which could turn into ashes with my negligent approach...
So time to buckle up.....I cant change what has happened but surely can shape whats about to happen...n tell you the fire this time wont fizz out..........
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Newaz....my project took me to the adventuruous visit to the State GOVT offices...in search of some info as I mentioned before.
Scene 1: Tuesday, 12th May 09 morning, Agni-shavan vibhag:(hindi is the one and only language)
As soon as one enters, one wonders in which era one is living? Well, wasnt this supposed to be the computer age? Well guess not...not atleast according to them coz the person whom I went to meet was found on the opposite side of a huge pile of files that was obstructing the vision! Files which weighed I dont know how many kilos.....(You can surely workout using those...n can be rest assured that within 30 days you will have biceps, triceps,....forceps,....n what not!)
"Abhi hum vyasth hai shaam ko aana" Well, i can understand it takes time to lower down the pile so that atleast he can see with whom he is talkin :P
Scene2: Tuesday, 12th May 09 morning, grameen vikaas vibhag :
This office didnt seem like the usual state govt office. The place was tidy, floor was build of tiles, there were cabins, not sure of the rural development but its office has surely developed a lot!!
Peeping into the cabin I found the person licking an ice-cream with utmost pleasure. So, I waited n I waited n I waited....BTW, forgot to mention... the avg waiting time in govt offices is 1 n haf to 2hrs....but thankgod ice-creams dont last that long.....after hearing my story he asked me to go n meet a person who in turn directed me to another person who is incharge of procurement. Here is what he had to say when I asked about the employee strength--- "Sarkari jankari hai, aise kaise de de". For one moment I felt as if I was an ISI agent asking for NSG's employee strength! So I bid adieu n proceeded towards my next destination...
Scene 3: Tuesday, 12th May 09 afternoon, Bhoomi Sanrakshan vibhag:
This place was a commonplace state govt office...with gutkha coloured walls, the red coloured walls compeled me to think whether gutkha helps in soil conservation...i mean..is it a soil fertilizer or something? Newaz...a board hanging outside the room told me that meeting time was from 3 to 4pm.....
At the specified time, the commoner found the door bolted from outside, on clarification was told that "sir" was taking an afternoon nap....checked the board again! Did I see something wrong on the board....meeting time or sleeping time?
Scene 4: Tuesday, 12th May 09 evening,Sankhyani(statics) vibhag:
This office was advanced and hi-tech than the rest, as it had 3 computers! One person was playing spider solitaire on one of 'em..while the other computers were used by "computer operators" specially hired for working in the system.....a man, sat beside the operator who dictatated what is required to do.......In this period of cost-cutting keeping 2 man for a job..thats quiet an achievement...n like this only we can solve the problem of unemployment for our ever-growing population!!
Scene1(back to): Tuesday,12th May 09 "shaam", Agni-shavan vibhag:
NO....I cant see his face even now..so the same message came to the ears- "abhi hum vyasth hai, subah ko aana"!! I dont know when this vicious circle is gonna end...but I must keep trying...
N thats what m doing!
Its not that each person was rude, not that every thing was mismanaged, not that I came back empty handed from each place but someone said rightly...that if one gets one negative among the positives he's bound to recall the negative....n give feedback according to that! No, m not complaining...actually its becoz of the negatives that one finds the trip adventuruous and something to write for.......Given the sorry state of state govt offices and given the rank of the state(it features in the 2nd spot in the ranking of states only when you turn the list upside down)..........
...........well, our beloved sisterji can surely spare a thought or two....n then continue with her priministerial aspirations!!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
30th was the election day in this city......means a day off from office....means time to recharge our diminishing batteries by catching on some XTRA hours of zzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!! Its better to sleep before the man starts yelling----
"Hello..aap so kyu rahe hai?"
Naah....m not promoting the "jaago re" campaign out here....but the AD made me curious as to whom they wana wake?
The voters????? I think they all are wide awake, as can be seen from the decreasing number of turnouts in votes!! Yeah heard it right...we are awake coz we chose to sleep instead of voting! A news flashed recently informing that in a village hundreds of people chose to skip votes as their candidate dint keep a single promise he made(they should understand that promises are made to be broken.......if those are made b4 elections)! So votes has become the time for "Bhaago Re" instead of "Jaago Re" for people...... :P
Lets analyse like they do in management: The what, why and who of voting!
What to vote for: Well I dont think there's anything left to vote for!! We have been doing the same for the past, I dont know how many years...n hoping against hope that the thing will look brighter the next time!!! But "the desired" next is out of sight......And each "real" next is just a replica of the past!
The tug of war for the chair has resulted in the ouster of corporates from some states. Just hoping that they dont start running out of our country!
Why to vote? :: Coz its our right! So are other rights which are denied by our so called "leaders". Leaders??? Can we call 'em Leaders? Each of 'em having assets more than the other...and...each of 'em neck deep in the ocean of crime!(yeah I am generalising...coz thats what you do when the good ones are exceptions) No, but they are not the ones to blame for...for being an engineer you need to crack IIT, for being MBBS its PMT, IAS and IPS requires tremendous dedication...even "my" CAT is not a cakewalk!! But for being an MP....there's total freedom.....
Whom to vote for::: Now, this is the toughest! Whom to vote? Whom do you choose to represent India? When we have several options even for selecting our ringtones and dialer tones...in that era...I must admit we dont have much option for the PM! When world says that the future is India as the majority of Indian population is young then why do we always see an old man in the job? (Man, leave Obama n Sarkozy even Zardari looks smarter in front of our lot of leaders) Now, lets look at the options---
1st is a man who is really qualified and respected for his knowledge. Though he's sometimes alleged to be a pupet in the show(I neither see any spark in his leadership nor see OBAMA-tic charisma in his speech) but due to no other "good enough" option...its better to have him!( a compromise situation)
2nd is a man...dubbed as "STRONG"(Mazboot) by his party...n yeah they are right!! He's sooooooooooooooooooooooooo strong that he had demolished a whole mosque not long ago! I really dont know whether this strong man can build(opposite of demolition) a decisive govt!
The 3rd scenario is the coolest where there is a musical chair competition for the post of PM...and the scenario is such that even the Lalita-Pawars can be the PM.....The didis n behenjis cant be ruled out either!
N this post is just a "trailer" of the whole scenario, in SRK's words.."picture abhi baki hai mere dost"! The whole picture cant be presented in this small modest post....but the question is- given the present political situation what do you think..
Who needs the wake up call??? We, the voters or the politicians?