About Me

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I am practically no one, am not anyone whose existence or non existence would affect the course of our society, culture, life, policies, conduct, etc. Still I do have my opinions on all of these issues. In crisp and to be precise...I am just a commoner!! Read on... if you are interested

Saturday, May 16, 2009


This post is not bout the elections or bout any city or bout any offices. Its now bout me(Talking bout myself is boring, I know but actually its time to introspect)

The motive behind this introspection is.....my pathetic result in my 3rd sem exam....well, jus managed 3.1 out of 4.33...pretty decent by some colleges' standards but pretty poor,infact poor is an under statement according to my college(where a toper gets 4.33)!!! So like the NDA m also into the "what went wrong" mode...where did I lose the plot? I guess it was in mid-term when our private residence was turned into a public one courtesy : my once upon a time class mate n her mom n her frnd n not to forget her frnd's boyfrnd n the events that followed surrounding them(those events can surely make a very good post themselves)! I dint fared well in mid terms n I guess thats where I lost it....my boat had been hit hard by the decieving iceberg and with the aid of some poor presentations, sloppy unproffesional project reports, my "evergreen"CooL(You can spell it FooL) approach, laziness towards study.....the last nail in my coffin was hit....I tried hard in the end-terms but Alas..dint click! Newaz...enough of the blame-game.
I know I m better than this..I know I m better than many who surpassed me this time..but these are useless words....so its better to SHUT UP...thats what I guess I am good at.....even in b.tech wen guys wer running away with job offers.....I was there with my mouth, ear, everything shut up.....and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not this time.........I cant afford to repeat the same....not at any cost...I know the consequences--- NO JOB == NO MONEY == DARK FUTURE == NO Mishti == NO LIFE....
This post is not just an introspection but its a reminder of the past n determination for the future...the future that every commoner hopes to build....n which could turn into ashes with my negligent approach...
So time to buckle up.....I cant change what has happened but surely can shape whats about to happen...n tell you the fire this time wont fizz out..........

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